Heads of Sections


Heads of Section

The Lands & Survey Department is part of the Ministry of District Administration and Lands in the Cayman Islands Government. It comprises several sections linked by a common dealing and involvement in land, and is staffed by over 50 people. Here are the heads of sections for the department.

Uche Director of Lands & Survey

Uche Obi

Director of Lands & Survey

Sophia Deputy Director

Sophia Williams

Deputy Director

Ruth Chief Valuation Officer

Ruth Watson

Chief Valuation Officer

Regina Registrar of Lands

Regina Ebanks

Registrar of Lands

Opal Human Resource Manager

Opal Ruiz

Human Resource Manager

De-Anna Admin & Finance Manager

De-Anna Trowers

Admin & Finance Manager

Darren Chief Surveyor

Darren Kelly

Chief Surveyor

Andrew GIS Manager

Andrew Edwards

GIS Manager


Land Surveyors Board

The Chairman of the Land Surveyors Board is the Chief Surveyor, Lands & Survey Department. The Secretary is appointed at the discretion of HE The Governor.

Members of the Board are Licensed Land Surveyors, appointed to the role by the Governor in Council (Cabinet) for a period of two years. The current appointments are effective from 31 August 2020 to 30 August 2022.

The Duties of the Board are to;

  • Grant licences to practice as a Land Surveyor in the Cayman Islands
  • Provide examinations to be taken by persons seeking license to practice as a Land Surveyor
  • Maintain a register of Licensed Land Surveyors
  • ake disciplinary action against Licensed Land Surveyors (when required)
  • Hear and determine any dispute on fees payable between a client and Licensed Land Surveyor/li>
  • Perform any other functions prescribed by Law or Regulation

The Minutes, Records of Hearings, and Register of Licensed Land Surveyors will be available to the public under our Publication Scheme.